These are a few things that you can be mindful of to ensure that your cashback tracks properly:

  1. Make sure you are logged into your CouponDunia account.
  2. Check cashback rates for the store to ensure the category you are shopping for has cashback.
  3. Make sure you AdBlock is disabled as it is known to interfere with tracking
  4. When you click an offer or store, CouponDunia will open a window linking you to that store. Please ensure that you transact in the opened window.
  5. Please ensure that you start with an empty shopping cart. If it is not empty please clear the contents of your cart and visit the store via CouponDunia again.
  6. Do not use any price comparison or discount widgets while shopping.
  7. For merchant specific conditions please view the 'Useful Tips' section on the merchant page.