To ensure your cashback gets tracked when you shop via CouponDunia, we suggest you completely disable ad blocking software during your shopping sessions.


You can follow the instructions given below to disable  Adblock Plus / AdBlock / uBlock


Adblock Plus

If you have Adblock Plus installed, you will have to disable Adblock Plus on the site that you are going to shop from. 

1. Visit the website that you are going to shop from

2. Click on the ABP extension icon in your browser toolbar

3. Click on "Enabled on this site" link to disable ABP on that website.

4. Come back to CouponDunia, click on the offer you like, and click on "I've disabled ABP on target store" to continue shopping as usual.



If you have AdBlock installed on your browser, you'll have to pause it during your shopping session. 1. Click on the AdBlock extension icon in your browser toolbar

2. Click on the "Pause AdBlock" link to disable AdBlock temporarily.

3. Reload CouponDunia page and continue shopping as usual.



If you have uBlock installed, you will have to disable uBlock on the site that you are going to shop from.

1. Visit the website that you are going to shop from

2. Click on the uBlock extension icon in your browser toolbar

3. Click on big blue power button to disable uBlock on that website.

4. Come back to CouponDunia, click on the offer you like, and click on "I've disabled uBlock on target store" to continue shopping as usual.